Unique Homes

We have solved hundreds of HVAC challenges that other contractors shy away from. Log homes, multi-level, concrete, barns, airplane hangers, museums, churches…

If you have a HVAC problem in Texas, we will solve it!

Log Homes

AirMart of Texas has used high velocity systems for log homes in very effective and innovative ways.

Because so much emphasis on log homes is placed on the aesthetics inherent in the use of the exposed wood; designers, builders, and homeowners are pleased with the system's flexibility and unobtrusiveness.

In homes that feature exposed ceilings and offer limited areas in which to install the main plenum, designers have creatively constructed wood beams to route plenum and supply tubes through.

Because the outlets are so small and available in stainable wood, the aesthetics are maintained.

Multi-Level Homes

Multiple level homes often have air flow issues due to conventional ducts being run vertically, losing efficiency and ability to move the air.

Because of the unique ductwork design of the high velocity systems from Unico or SpacePak, there is even air flow from the beginning to the end of the ductwork, no matter what direction the ducts are being installed.


Insulated Concrete Homes

Precast concrete is a construction product produced by casting concrete in a reusable mold. It is then cured in a controlled environment, transported to the construction site and installed. High velocity "small duct" air conditioning fits right into the molds — no fur downs!

  • The ducts are small and inconspicous so the design of the home isn't altered.

  • The air is pushed by a high velocity blower and a standard outdoor condenser.

  • 33% more humidity is removed with a high-velocity setup!

  • The high velocity ducts can be sent to any part of the house or patio… outdoor living has never been better.

Contact Airmart of Texas to work with the leading high-velocity air conditioning experts in Texas!